Apr 24, 2007 16:15
Gay men are not ambitious. And I'm not talking about the extreme of "ambitious" that may immediately spring to mind when you hear/read that word. You know what I mean: The stereotype of the brownnoser that will step over all of his friends and loved ones in order to get a high position or a specific achievement and then rub it in everyones face afterwards... Kinda like the type of person that Jude Law plays in I Heart Huckabees.
No; they aren't ambitious even in the most insignificant measure of the term. I just don't understand it. You go to any place where there's a concentration of gay men in Tucson, and it's just like going to a temp agency or an AA meeting. You can blame it on crumbling under social pressure, or low self-esteem or what-have-you, but how many people can that really blamed on in one demographic?
It just doesn't make sense to me. It's been shoved into our brains since birth that the unique quality of being human lies in our willpower and our ability to make decisions and escape the primitive traps of instinct, mere self-preservation and promulgation, right? So wouldn't it make sense for those who have already escaped this in-born drive - to expand one's genetic pool - leave a bunch of other avenues open for enhancing one's life and skills? How can such a significantly large group of males in a first-world country lack drive to better themselves? Instead, we're left with an army of low-skill and low-income workers - a bracket that will be increasingly filled with immigrants in the future. And you know what? Rightfully so! If people can't get with the program and just use the opportunities that are available to them by just having residence in this country, then let people who will make something of themselves - and their children - have those rights. If you ain't riding, then get off, motherfuckas!