Sep 08, 2006 15:30
There's nothing that says "I wish a plane would fly into this coffee shop" than a gabby Rickie Lake in Hairspray-look alike sitting outside with a chain-smoking Indito and chatting about subjects you wouldn't even want to hear after solitary confinement for 5 years in a concentration camp - Especially when you're trying to read, or just enjoy the air. His mustard-yellow teeth glinted unbearably in the mid-afternoon sun. The air smelled like Mexico - thick and filled with cheap tobacco. It's that feeling you get when you just want to go home at the end of the day.
Those scenarios are the ones that make you think of going crazy. I mean, ideally, you'd be driven to that point by something cliche, like... Your lover being impaled by a sharp object in a really mundane setting, or a song getting stuck in your head for 60 years, or some closeted-faggot calling you "dude" until you send a syringe flying into his skull. That's probably what REALLY set the mass-murderer in Saw off. He was an ordinary guy until some motherfuckin' frat guy at a store treated him like they were "bros". It would make much more sense than that crap they tried to market as a movie. Does anyone else roll their eyes when people talk about it? BECAUSE I DO.
Therefore, my hypothesis is that the #1 Reason Most Likely To Drive You Absolutely Fuckin' Nuts is SMALL TALK.
Small talk about weather, small talk about how you are, or about how the other person is, or how you should do something sometime, or what-have-you. It's why I don't call people to sit on my bed like god-damn Frenchie from Grease. I'm 20 years old, not 13. I call people for a reason. Period. I answer the phone for a reason.
So if you have something useful to say, say it. Reality is NOT Vanity Fair (the novel, not the magazine)! Expand your mind - Don't expect me to expand it for you.