Dec 23, 2002 20:06
It was hard to let him go. I finally get to see my nephew after 7 years, and then he's gone like a flash. He was so much fun to be around. He reminds me of me when i was his age. Kind of a loner and really into video games, especially Pokemon. He showed be a bunch of cards he collects. He really made me feel special. He named each card the name of someone that he thought fit its description. He named the the cards with really ugly characters his stepdad, the really strong, handsome characters himself, and the really beautiful faerie and elf! At least he looks up to me. He is really smart. He may act like he is dumb around his teachers and mother, but around me, really, really smart. He figuered out a bunch of games i was stuck on for months! He's suppose to being coming back the Sunday after next. I hope he does come back. It's like having a little brother. It's a pity Kim kept him away from us for so long.......