Feb 24, 2003 22:29
To get to the point........ Robbie broke up with me..............
Sitting here watching Romeo and Juliet thinking, "What a load of SHIT!"
Love? There is no love. I don't believe in it anymore. I much like Mercutio's
story about love. It is for fools. I was tricked into thinking that i was in love
and then love slams the door in my face. ........ what a fool i am! :( I know he's
having a hard time... i know that he needs space.... that he doesn't need me,
but...... it hurts god damn it! Men... i hate them too. But i always say that
don't I? I need sleep. I don't know if i wanna go to school tomorrow. I just
wanna sleep through the morning and stay home and watch depressing
movies and cry my heart out. It doesn't help that i'm having my monthly
girl problem. I'm having major mood swings. I feel sad and want to cry...
at another time i want to run through the night screaming my head off until
all the madness is gone. It's a mad moment right now... and i'll say this......
for being such a blind fool.........
.......... sorry about all that.... i needed to get my feelings out....... before i did something rash........