My Desert Island Books - the complete list and links

Mar 02, 2017 10:35

Originally published at Juliet E. McKenna. Please leave any comments there.

World Book Day seems like an excellent day to post this 🙂

To recap, as the Guest of Honour at Novacon last year, I got to pick and discuss eight SF&Fantasy books that have had a lasting impact on me over my decades of voracious reading.

Rosemary Harris - The Moon in the Cloud

E Nesbit - The Phoenix and the Carpet

Robert A Heinlein - The Moon is a Harsh Mistress

Larry Niven - Tales of Known Space

Melanie Rawn - Dragon Prince

Terry Pratchett - Men at Arms

Mary Doria Russell - The Sparrow

Dark Eden - Chris Beckett


unexpected things about juliet, fandom, reviews

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