And yes, last night the XXX Party finally happened. Timbré 1, the Friday before 10.10.10, with 53A in attendance.
I had such a great time that I'm severely suffering from post-party withdrawal today. Not to mention the usual post-party head-spinning.
I really wanted all my friends to come spend my party with me, but I was a bit worried that they wouldn't really get to mix around well. Fortunately, 3 bottles of champagne and more than a couple of pints of Guinness solved everything!
Thank you all for coming:
LJ friends
cheshirefeline &
burburtriciaseow &
mfludermsbrightside & James
auntyadele &
joeaugustinmarajaded & Jet & Kevin & Tein Hee (haha!)
synapsemanoiseauxbleunuggiegirl SQ friends
KC & Felicia
hahabirdJim & Verlyn
And of course, those who couldn't come; you were missed!
And yes, I'm super happy that finally I got the Kung Hei Nei sung to me on my birthday! Thanks 53A and Jet! :)
Till 10 years' time, and the XXXX Party!
If you're wondering why it's called the XXX Party, well, my actual birthday is on Oct 10, so this year that's 10.10.10 = XXX!
Originally the plan was to book a whole venue and have a pornstar-themed party but since I haven't really taken off yet, I guess that idea will have to be postponed till XXXX?
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memorable memories § Location: