Main Entry: god·par·ent
Pronunciation: \ˈgäd-ˌper-ənt also ˈgȯd-\
Function: noun
Date: 1865
: (in the Christian religion) a person who, at a baptism ceremony, promises to help a new member of the religion, usually a child, in religious and moral matters
In terms of relations, you have the blood kind, and the, er... other kind, which include relations like the in-laws, and godparents. I personally have 2 godfathers. At baptism, my uncle was my godfather, and at my confirmation, I had another godfather (whom I haven't spoken to in a long time, but that's another story). In both cases, they both undertook the sacred responsibility of being responsible for my moral and religious upbringing (fat load of good it did to the latter, but that again is another story).
As far as I know thus far, the connection between a godparent and a godchild revolves around this responsibility for upbringing-hence the 'god' part of the relationship-and any other god-relations revolve around this sacred bond. You can have god-brothers, god-uncles, god-aunties, etc. but they all function as extensions of the central godparent-godchild relationship. Judaism, I heard, has a similar arrangement. Even in this side of the world, if you look at the HK triad films, some of the gangsters have a godfather figure-not the mafia kind, but the senior triad leader who takes unto himself the responsibility of bringing up a protégé in his own image, with his own values, morals and allegiances.
Now that we have established the basis of this god-relationship, I was pretty amused to hear recently that one of my acquaintances has a god-dog. Yep, you read that right. She has adopted one of her friends' dogs as her god-dog. Meaning (I would gather) that she is the godparent of that dog. And hence responsible for the mutt's moral (?) and religious (??) upbringing, to be a good dog with solid moral values that gives glory to God and his church (I would suppose???) OK I know that's not exactly what's going on here, but isn't it just a little bizarre to take a dog as your god-dog? You can be a co-owner, or foster owner, or even a second 'mummy', or I don't know what lah, but seriously... god-dog?
cheshirefeline, I want to adopt Grey as my god-cat, can or not? I promise to do my best with the power vested in me by Almighty God to make him see the error of his random people-scratching ways.
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