Off the top of my head:
- 22:18 @jo_ee Good luck on the new job! #
- 22:27 I think Star Trek is still better than Wolverine. #
- 23:00 Bloody Dodo won't reverse charges on my credit card even though I'm the card holder simply because the account is not under my name! WTF! #
- 23:30 RT @denvy In case you can’t see the problem of teaching creationism alongside evolution: #
- 23:34 Bloody restaurant told us all tables inside were reserved and we had to sit at outside tables. I bet it's cos we're Asian, racist bastards. #
NB: Regular, more lucid updates will still continue on LiveJournal. I believe that any thought of substance cannot be adequately elucidated in less than 140 characters.
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