The J-thing's Twitters for the Day

May 06, 2009 02:02

Off the top of my head:

  • 01:08 To dismiss the AWARE dispute as just a few women bitching and catfighting is probably the understatement of the year!! #
  • 01:27 If a girl is cock enough to say something like "I love you but I don't feel it anymore", I think you're definitely better off without her. #
  • 07:59 You don’t have to be an animal to support animal rights, so why do I have to be a woman before I can support gender equality? #
  • 08:05 "Truly, I felt sorry for Thio. Sorry that she is such a misguided human being. After all her scheming,..." #
  • 08:17 Isn't believing in the meanings of names and choosing baby names based on that belief inherently a form of superstition? #
  • 09:16 Tomorrow got RTO, engine failure in flight, and asymmetric handling. The steep curve starts nowwwww.... #
  • 09:51 Former NUS lecturer accused of IT contract fraud in Hong Kong - I remember she was quite a bitch to me when I took one of her modules, hehe. #
  • 09:52 Link: Former NUS lecturer accused of IT contract fraud in Hong Kong - I remember she was quite a bitch to me... #
  • 13:34 "Getting old is just biological decay-does not come with respect. That needs to be earned." #
  • 13:50 "To believe that your Christian God has drawn a line in the sand for Buddhists, Taoists, Muslims and atheists is nothing short of arrogant." #
  • 14:03 "I think God has a Thio Su Mien complex. Is there anyone quite as breathtakingly egoistic and self-centred as the Nutty Professor?" #
  • 20:25 "Intellectual laziness should not be graced with a response." #
NB: Regular, more lucid updates will still continue on LiveJournal.  Any thought of substance cannot be adequately elucidated in less than 140 characters.

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