The genius that is wkw

Dec 26, 2008 18:40


I never knew how someone could tell a story in just 6 minutes and make it resonate so deeply more than 6 hours after you first watched it.  And like I remarked, it was just... wow!  Not like the 'wow' that you get after watching some film full of CGI/special effects, but the 'wowwwwww....' that lingers on long after the film has ended and makes you want to just watch it all over again even though you know exactly what's going to happen.

The short I'm talking about is titled The Follow, and is part of the BMW series of short films titled The Hire.  It was conceived as a publicity stunt for BMW, to get top directors from around the world to shoot a short film featuring one of the BMW cars.  While the others like Ang Lee, Guy Ritchie, and John Frankenheimer showed off the cars with fast car chases and stunts, wkw chose to let the cars take a back seat and tell one of his trademark melancholic stories, and in just 6 minutes, is the shortest of the series, but is widely regarded as the best of them all.

What I think was most beautiful about the film was the haunting music he chose to accompany it.  And after much difficulty, I finally managed to track down the piece of music he chose for his short: it was a modern, synthesised version of Mi Unicornio Azul by Pablo Milanes.  While I have been unable to track down the exact version redone by Joel Goodman and Jeff Rona, I did manage to find the original version, and I'm hard-pressed to decide which is more soulful and emotive."To me music is part of sound and a lot of people think music is like... to create a mood or always like a background.  But I think sometimes the music can be the front and the image can be the back.  It can play like that.  The music should dance with the image."

It's amazing what he can do in just 6 minutes.
I know you're probably not reading this,
but thank you: for introducing wkw to me,
along with so many, many other things
I'd never had discovered otherwise.
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