The J-thing's Word of the Day

Nov 19, 2008 23:10

Main Entry: treach·er·y
Pronunciation: /ˈtrɛtʃəri/ [trech-uh-ree]
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural treach·er·ies
Etymology: 1175-1225; Middle English trecherie, from Anglo-French, from trecher, tricher to deceive, from Vulgar Latin *triccare - more at trick

1 : violation of allegiance or of faith and confidence; betrayal of trust : treason
2 : an act of perfidy, faithlessness, or treason
3 : unscrupulous acts unknown to another or under the guise of sincerity or apology, usually to advance a personal agenda, especially greedy or self-centred ones

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