I was surfing through Facebook recently when I was suddenly struck by how many people there are stating their political views as 'apathetic'.
In FB, under your profile, stating your political views is merely an option and not mandatory-you can actually leave it blank and many do. So to actually declare to all and sundry that your political views are 'apathetic', I figured that you must be pretty proud of the fact that you are don't give a damn about politics. If that is the case, there are certainly a lot of young people in this country who are actually proud of their apathy.
It's such a coincidence too that
this post was just posted on
sg_ljers. Young people who don't know and don't care.
I think it's pretty sad that there are actually people who are proud of the fact that they don't give a damn about how this country is run, or how the world is run, where their interest in politics extends only to whether or not there will be a
first black US President. Stuff like
this and
this, aren't you at least interested to know? Of course politics isn't the most important thing in the world, nor should we be necessarily spending the bulk of our time getting involved in politics or knowing everything there is about it, but since it is something which affects and whose effects permeate through all of society, I thought it is really quite basic to at least care about how things are and where our lives are headed. And even if you really can't be bothered about it, do you have to be proud of the fact that you can't be bothered about it?
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