Last week, I went down to Asian Aerospace 2006-the last time it would be held in SG. Unlike the
previous one in 2004, this time I wasn't there on a jolly but I was on DUTY. Yes, barely a day after
coming back from BKK, I was back at Changi.
But of course, I didn't complain, not least because it was an airshow after all, and especially because of the highlight of the show, the Flying Luohan:
Yep, that's the current nickname for the largest commercial airliner in the world, but man... you should see the thing fly like a fighter! The aircraft took off, made a couple of steep turns and swirls before making a breathtaking low speed pass and then a high speed dash.
The Airbus guys later told me that the low speed was done at an airspeed of 75 KIAS. SEVENTY-FIVE KNOTS! Apparently, the secret was in the aircraft's fly-by-wire system; all the pilot needed to do was to pull the stick all the way back and the plane would optimise accordingly. In their own words: "Impossible to stall."
The main draw at AA for me has always been the military aircraft, and this time round was no exception.
Right in front at the forecourt was this mock-up of the XF-35 Joint Strike Fighter. As you can see, the ang mohs had taken the liberty of painting our RSAF livery on it.
But chio, right?
Our very own AH-64D Longbow Apache! Home at last! I can't wait for NDP, to see them escorting the national flag during the flypast.
Before the queue got too long, I decided to head to the West Cargo Apron to ogle the A380. As you can see, the queue had already built up quite a bit, even so early in the morning.
Even from here, the massive fuselage of the A380 was unmistakeable.
And finally when I got to the WCA, the sight of the plane itself was simply breathtaking. It was HUGE!
Public interest in the Airbus Super Jumbo was extremely high, if the hordes crowding near the aircraft were any measure to go by.
The Airbus test pilot in the captain's seat.
I timed my trip to the WCA at the right time to have enough time to ogle the plane, and also in time to watch it taxi out for the flying display.
Sensing the exuberant enthusiasm of the spectators, the Airbus pilot waves to the crowd.
Me with one of the B-1B Lancer pilots.
Our own RSAF F-16D+ at the static display area...
...and the RSAF's newest toy: the F-15E, from which our F-15SGs are derived.
The USN's F/A-18E Super Hornet. This one's from Strike Fighter Squadron VFA-27 'the Royal Maces', based on the USS Kitty Hawk.
Flags of the participating nations.
The F-15 doing a high-speed, high-G turn at max afterburner. The sound was deafening!
Later I saw this pilot walk past me in a light blue flightsuit, and on the back was a logo of the F-15 head-on, and a caption that simply said in big, bold, red letters: F-15 DEMO TEAM. I wanted to snap it, but before I could zoom out, he'd disappeared into the crowd! DAMMIT!
The A380 takes to the skies! Here it is during the famous 75-knot low speed pass.
Flying like a fighter, the A380 banks steeply for a high speed dash. This will probably be the only time you'll get to see the Flying Luohan do aerobatics!
Before the close of the day, I was fortunate enough to catch sight of my favourite A345 departing for another US-bound flight.
How could I not snap a photo with (what I hope will one day be) my future office...?
I just hope I really end up there, and not on this instead!