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Feb 13, 2011 10:48

I've been thinking more and more recently about my next tattoo idea. It's been mulling around in my head pretty much since I started college, but one aspect has remained constant: the lyrics of the second verse of Cup of Wonder twined around my biceps.

Right arm:
Ask the Green Man where he comes from, ask the cup that fills with red / Ask the old grey standing stones that show the sun its way to bed
Left arm:
Question all as to their ways and learn the secrets that they hold / Walk the lines of nature's palm, crossed with silver and with gold

I want them in a dark henna-brown, sort of subtle. And I'm thinking that I want a border of some kind - above and below each verse, a wreath of either holly or pine around the right arm, and a wreath of cherry blossoms around the left. And maybe in the same brown, a tree at the top of my spine in the back, with the central trunk as a double-helix. Roots and branches both fully developed, no above-ground chauvinism here.

Really the verse is what I'm attached to. They sort of exemplify a lot of what I believe and hold true about my life. That whole album sort of shaped my thinking about the world, or at least my aesthetic principles, from a very early age. My first favorite album, my first favorite songs. (Jethro Tull's Songs from the Wood, if you're wondering.) This is gonna be one of those... growing up, defining who I am sorts of tattoos. The tattoos that really mean something, REALLY.

Maybe I'll get it when I graduate. I'd really like to get it this summer though, if I can. That's primarily a money consideration. Maybe I'll start looking around and having my ideas priced.

I may not do the tree. It's a lovely idea, but it's a bit overdone, and while I agree with the sentiment, I feel like I'm making my point much stronger with the lyrics. The tree would probably just be overkill.

Though I might try and find a way to work in spirals and pentagrams into the holly and cherry borders. Just subtly. To point up the science connection.


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