What a week.
So, it turns out that what WAS a mild UTI - so mild that in dilute enough pee they didn't catch it - a week ago Sunday, left untreated, actually moved up into the kidneys and was causing me serious problems by this past Saturday. So guess who got to go to Urgent Care twice in one week? Yep. I have antibiotics now.
Also, Todd has offered to pay my way at the
OREGON STAR PARTY! Read it and weep with jealousy. I'll be in dark skies land, with the Perseid meteor shower, three planets just past sundown, the Milky Way, maybe Andromeda?, and constellations aPLENTY. I'm stoked. Of all the plans I've ever made for going meteor-watching, these are the most elaborate, and the most quickly whipped-up. Literally *Saturday* of last week, in between my moaning and groaning about pain in the kidneys, he said "Hey - I think I might do this. Let's do it!" And it's gonna happen. Amazing. My first dark skies event. EEEE, I'm so excited! /bounce bounce.
In work-related news, there's practically nothing left to do at the butterfly lab. We're down to 51 larvae - I counted. Mary Jo doesn't need my help with the care and feeding anymore and I wouldn't know the first thing about the data entry system Danielle's got worked out. So today she had me working on my resume. Not exactly the best thing to assign me when I'm low on sleep and lower on energy and totally distracted by "omg star party!" But whatever. It's my weakest point and it's what she's been promising we'd work on all summer. I gave her what I came up with and... we'll see what she has to say.
And now, I should finish packing and head to BED. I won't be sleeping much tomorrow night, that's for darned sure.