Dec 01, 2009 23:22
You know, I probably could have learned Spanish a lot better had I tried writing fic in it.
Not that the vocabulary I learned that way would do me much good on the exam.
Heh. I said "do me."
Garh. That exam is in just under nine hours and I want to spend most of that asleep, but... yeah, studying? Totally... happened.
No really.
... yeah, no it didn't.
Book didn't even get in my lap.
But now my eyes are going all fuzzy, and I really have spent most of today at least THINKING about Spanish. I managed to get TWO of my five required "actividades culturales" out of the way in one day today. How's that for workin' the system? And I wrote the write-ups for both of them, AND called my dad to talk family history for the next composicion, AND... um. I know there was something else I did.
... No, that was it.
Right. I was supposed to do some studying for the exam. But I didn't.
Cos I'm a sucker like that.
PS: Email is to snail mail as Twitter is to postcards. Eh? Eh?? Am I or am I not an analogical genius?
... Don't answer that.