Aug 08, 2009 23:33
For the last two or three days, Twitter, Facebook, and Livejournal have been under siege from bots or something. The effect of this has been that I have been unable to post, comment, or tweet for THREE FREAKING DAYS. This has been like being a mime trapped in a glass box. I can see what's going on, but I can neither respond to it, interact with it, nor make any meaningful contribution to life and the universe in general as I waste away in silence.
Ok, slight overexaggeration. But whatever! I can freaking post on LJ again!
So, last night was Robert's, er, going away party. We played Mario Cart (Wii) and Apples to Apples, and had thai food and cupcakes and lots and lots of bourbon, gin, and rum. We were awake until like 5 in the morning, and Robert then had to get up at 7 to go to the place. He's spending his first night in jail tonight. I want to write him a letter. Like right now. Maybe I will.
I really really like the hanging-out combination of me, Sarah, Matt, and Jebby. We cleaned up Robert's house and then went to brunch at the Delta this morning after the party. I only had coffee because I had to go, (more on that later), but it's an excellent dynamic of folks. Jesse and Jonathan are also good additions to this balance, and Robert too, though he's a bit, er, indisposed for a while. The aforementioned foursome are gonna get together and watch the Big Lebowski and have some crafting next weekend. Between then and now Sarah and I are gonna go for a drink, perhaps at Mary's. Woo hoo, titties!!
Excuse me. I'm reveling in my newly-appreciated freedom of speech. WOO FUCKING HOO, I CAN POST ON LJ AGAIN.
Seriously you guys. This is amazing. You have no idea how stifling it was to not be able to document my life. Maybe this means I'm too attached to my internet diary-ing, but fuck that. Livejournal and Deadjournal before it have been a constant companion since I was fifteen, and before that I had a non-internet version. Writing these inane documentations is how I sort out my thoughts about my life, and rereading them later is how I keep things in perspective. I don't know what I would do without my Livejournal.
I think tomorrow I'm gonna archive the entire thing. Because if I ever lost this, I would be devastated, and every now and again LJ has these burp moments and I get worried.
So today, after less than three hours of actual sleeping and way too much bourbon consumed the night before, I had to leave my friends at the Delta Cafe in order to go spend time with my family. Let me tell you, three hours with small children in a loud, flashy arcade is NOT a pleasant activity for the vaguely hungover. Especially on little food and even less water. Not good at all. But it was fun, and I hadn't seen my Grammy in a long time, so it was probably a good thing. And those kids are cool, in as much as an eight and ten year old can be.
I still wish I could have stayed at the Delta and had me some freaking fried bananas. That shit sounded *goooooood*.
HOLY FUCK I CAN LJ AGAIN. I still can't tweet though. Fucking bastards.
Alcohol is funny.
a day in the life,