(no subject)

Sep 13, 2007 20:36

I say again, I <3 Carl Sagan. Contact is freaking awesome. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone who didn't have a basic groundwork knowledge of astronomy, because Carl Sagan is *definitely* a scientist. It is *thick.* I've been immersing myself in this for weeks and it goes over my head in places (though I am proud of myself for how well I've managed to keep up). But it's definitely... *Sagan*-ish enough that its appeal is more than scientific. I expect that will only get stronger as the book goes on.

I find myself marveling that words that have come out of my mouth (or fingers) are such perfect echoes of what I'm reading from the mouth (or fingers) of one of the greatest scientific minds of our time. Seriously, a few paragraphs from chapter 10, The Precession of the Equinoxes, are basically expansions on my entry In The Spirit of Sagan just a few nights ago. That makes me smile a bit.

On the other end of the science fiction spectrum, we have Triangle, a Star Trek Novel. I'm relatively certain that the authors are avid Kirk/Spock shippers, and what's more, masters of subtext. It's beautifully hidden, but so obviously there, even more than in the slashiest episodes of the original series (::cough::Amok Time::cough::). Either that or I've had way too much practice.

In other news, OMSI is an impenetrable fortress. I got there about four minutes later than Sylvia said she'd have to be inside, and of course, I forgot my cell phone. Space case. >.< And of course, you can't get past the lady in the red vest without a ticket, so if you've got a friend on the inside, without a cell phone, you're pretty much screwed if you don't see them immediately.

So I left and got lunch with my mommy.

My hand-scab peeled off last night. Finally. It was so odd. The scab felt and looked like a little flake of tree bark. And now it's a little itchy. Please note, the little scabby bits had been coming off for quite some time, but this was the largest (and last) piece of scab, covering the bit most likely to scar. I'm not sure it will now, but it'll at least be bright pink for a while.

Mommy, can I have some money for a moon lander?

cool links, biking, in other news, books, space

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