(no subject)

Aug 04, 2007 11:12

Yeah, the crank (or perhaps the axel) needs be replaced. ::sigh::

Will take to City Bikes, most likely tomorrow or Monday. Will spend intervening time at mother's house. Hope she is not already at beach. Unable to speak in full sentances. Please send help.

In other news, I feel officially couchsurfish now. I'm at Shop on Belmont, and have all my worldly possessions either in the bag next to me or sitting on the back of my bike. I'm just lucky I trust the people in SE Portland, or I'd be lugging my clothes bag everywhere in addition to my super-packed backpack. But when you see a bike with bags stuck on the back, you don't touch 'em. It's unspoken law.

I still grab and carry the little beltpouch (not on a belt) that holds my wallet and stuff. Just in case.

I bought a new journal today. And an orange. And coffee. That pretty much depleted the cash I still had on me. Not sure when I'll get more.

And I'm all gassy. Rather uncomfortable to be sitting on this stool. Perhaps I shall go outside and read/listen to music for a while.

And do more tarot. I have a funny feeling my tarot deck will see more use in this month than it has thusfar in its life.

biking, travel

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