Jul 30, 2007 12:24
Ahh... so dawns the first day of the rest of my life. Or at least, the next stage of it.
My arms are sore from lifting and I'm exhausted like mad (didn't sleep until 2 am, then woke up at 10 to a call from my manager about my move-out). But! I have delicious delicious coffee and internetz.
Today, we go finish cleaning out the corners of my apartment. There are still a few essentials over there - my shower stuff, my Beatles cabinet (which is coming here to serve as a stuff-locker), my towels, the stuff in my fridge and freezer, and a whole bunch of trash. ... And a whole bunch of stuff in my closet that I completely forgot about. ::sigh:: Ah well.
-Bags to go to Red Light/Buffalo/Good Will.
-Beatles cabinet to here. Shelf from the closet to storage.
-All other shit in closet to storage/Good Will.
-Trash OUT.
-Everything else to storage, including my vacuum cleaner and my frame backpack.
-Final move-out check with Jennifer.
I'm only slightly dreading that. I'm sure she'll find something to make me pay for, managers are good at that. But then again, she's a really *nice* manager, and she only gets on my case when I'm late on the rent, or when her boss is breathing down her neck about me.
Then, I will be officially - OFFICIALLY - moved out. I've already made the separation, though we'll see how true that holds when I get back there today. I went to Glencoe field and took lots of pictures of my last sunset there. ...I think I mentioned that in my last post. Oh well.
Anyway. Moving on, there are a few things I wish to acquire before setting out on my voyage.
-Basket for bike rack. This is essential, as this will carry many things I don't have room for anywhere else, i.e. guitar. $22 at CityBikes.
-Insulated lunchbox. Now's the good time to buy such things, what with all the little kiddies going Back To School in a month's time.
-Leatherman, or at least a decent pocketknife. I lost my Coleman (if you still can't find something after you move, it is officially gone forever), and I don't think I can set out in good conscious without SOME kind of multi-purpose tool. You can get them fairly cheap at Andy+Bax.
In other news, I keep getting brainwaves about my sci-fi/fantasy novel. Just little scenes and bits of dialogue that I'm expecting to fuse together into a cohesive storyline, world and characters. I'm definitely gonna have to do some serious researching, but I also need to just make up a whole ton of stuff, which will be fun. I'm happy because when I do get brainwaves, it seems to be popping into place as a fair whole - no real wrinkles as of yet. My characters are consistent and interesting - I feel like I already actually *know* them - and the world is continually fascinating. I'll admit, I'll be using this book to basically wank wax enthusiastic about the future of mankind; what you'll see in the finished product will, hopefully, be a believably optimistic view of our near/semi-near future, and what leaps and bounds we might take in the next few hundred years. I really see that we have the potential, right now, to be amazing - we're just wasting our time on wars, bigotry, and reality television. Assholes.
Unfortunately, I think I'm gonna have to include some kind of major catastrophe in Earth history, probably wiping out most of America. Hmmmm.... really, I think I'm gonna have to write a History before I begin, make up the next century or two - REALLY, fully and completely. Like, everything from when and what technological advancements were made, to the rise and fall of political powers and various coups and revolutions, to cultural references. Say, silver was really big in the early 2020s and you couldn't walk down the street on a sunny day for being blinded by everyone's reflective clothing.
Hmm. I think I'll give America a little diaspora - some country (Finland or Canada or something) says "we will take you if you choose to renounce the United States" and all the smart people are like "woo hoo!" Y'know, me and all my hippie friends get out of here while we can.
Anyway. This is me stirring my brain soup. It's fun. ^_^