I should probably share this officially, since it still doesn't seem real, and I'm not entirely sure who all I have told yet.
Last semester I kinda-sorta-spur-of-the-moment applied to study abroad, in Japan. First day of J-term, I got the acceptance letter. So, Sept-Dec 08, I will be in Akita, Japan. Expect a travel blog to materialize in the not so distant future.
In other news, Kyle and I bought ourselves a dining room table/4 chair set. I love it. Come over for dinner and you can eat off of it.
1. Will you be looking for a new job?
Indeed I will! Need to be able to live over the summer.
2. Will you be looking for a new relationship?
Well, some new friends, but otherwise no :)
3. New house?
New home, maybe. Probably not a house.
4. What will you do differently in 08?
Eat better, sleep more, spend less money! Haha, I wish.
5. New Years resolution?
None. They're silly.
6. What will you not be doing in 08?
7. Any trips planned?
Well... yes! Japan?
8. Wedding plans?
Hahahaha, no. You're funny.
9. Major thing on your calendar?
Did I not just say Japan?
10. What can't you wait for?
A new place, honestly.
11. What would you like to see happen different?
A little better time management, but overall I'm pleased with the way things are going.
12. What about yourself will you be changing?
See above.
13. What happened in 07 that you didn't think would ever happen?
Moving out, mostly. Applying to study abroad. I could have sworn I decided not to do that...
14. Will you be nicer to the people you care about?
I sincerely hope so, guys. Smack me if I don't.
15. Will you dress differently this year than you did in 07?
Probably not much.
16. Will you start or quit drinking?
I'm considering it (both sides), but will probably just maintain a steady "kind of but not really a whole lot"
17. Will you better your relationship with your family?
There's always room for improvement. So, sure.
18. Will you do charity work?
I've been thinking about it. Maybe?
19. Will you go to bars?
I turn 21 this May! So at least one, just to say that I have.
20. Will you be nice to people you don't know?
I guess that might be a good idea :P
21. Do you expect 08 to be a good year for you?
Well, it has the option of going spectacularly well OR badly. There will be no middle ground. In other words, god I hope so.
22. How much did you change from this time last year till now?
A lot, I think.
23. Do you plan on having a child?
In like a bajillion years? Yes. In 2008? Oh hell no.
24. Will you still be friends with the same people you are friends with now?
I hope so. I like y'all.
25. Major lifestyle changes?
Mmmm, well in Japan I guess... but here on the home front, probably not.
26. Will you be moving?
I think so. Yes. No. Maybe?
27. What will you make sure doesn't happen in 08 that happened in 07?
28. What are your New Years Eve plans?
Eve '08? Well, I hope to spend it with a S.O. for the first time since... like... 2004.
29. Will you have someone to kiss at midnight?
I hope so.
30. One wish for 08