LJI Ex. B, Week 2: 1337
Alt Account: 1. short for "alternative account"; 2. a contestant playing under an alias; 3. when accompanied by the phrase "two or more", a form of masochism; See Also Sooper Seekrit and Main Account (antonym)
Beta: 1. short for "beta-reader"; 2. a person who reads an entry and provides feedback prior to the writer linking the entry to the topic post; 3. as a verb, the act of beta-reading; 4. someone who's tough enough to tell you they have no idea what you're talking about, but kind enough to help you figure out how to explain it
Bye Out: to be eliminated for forgetting to post one's entry
Bye Week: 1. during full seasons, a "free" week; 2. during mini-seasons, a fond memory; 3. as "Executive Bye", rumored to be provided the first week after your own funeral
Commenting: a quick and easy way to make Autocorrect or Swype select exactly the terms you aren't looking for
Conspiracy Theory: 1. they're out to get you; 2. no, seriously, someone really is out to get you; 3. there can be only one!
Contestant-Only Vote: in which current contestants email their votes to the Evil Overlord
Distraction: see Green Room
Drop: to choose to leave the game without being voted out
Evil Overlord: 1. official kicker of hippies and foreigners; 2. the eliminator of contestants
Foreigners: anyone who doesn't live in Gary's apartment
Frank the Goat: 1. LiveJournal's mascot; 2. official nommer of comments, polls, entries, and anything else you don't want to disappear forever; 3. founder of Wire-Eaters Anonymous, and author of Just Say Nom: A Guide to Breakfasting On The Internet
Frist: 1. a triumphal cry heralding the successful posting of the initial comment to a new post, typically a Green Room; 2. a misspelling of "first" which has since taken on a meme-esque life of its own; 3. a way to become undead and eat cookies
Gatekeeper week: 1. a week in which judging of entries is done by a panel of voters, rather than through a poll; 2. a week in which there is nothing to refresh, and everything to panic about
Green Room (abbr. GR): a post for the purpose of allowing contestants to socialize between polls and topics; See Also Distraction
Home Game: 1. an entry written for the topic by someone who is not a current contestant; 2. an entry written for an extant topic that is not the one assigned to the writer
Home Game Thread: a comment thread in a Green Room for the purpose of linking Home Game entries
Immunity: a Special Power which will save someone from being eliminated during a single given week
Intersections: a collaboration between two or more contestants on their entries, usually involving a linked theme
Link In: to comment in the Topic Post with a link to your entry
Main Account: the account considered to be the contestant's primary account; See Also Alt Account (antonym)
Newbies: contestants playing for the first time; See Also Veterans (antonym)
Normal: a word that can be applied to everyone and no one at the same time
Oh Yay! Oh Noes!: when you're still in but your favorite writer isn't
The Poll: 1. an official post that marks the beginning of Unofficial Everyone-Panics time; 2. the reason that the writing on the "Refresh Page" key has worn away on most contestants' keyboards
Refresh Party: when activity in the current Green Room suddenly picks up again, due to the number of contestants online and refreshing the poll
Sacrifice: when a contestant Drops during the poll in order to fill up elimination spots and keep another contestant from being eliminated
Second Chance: during miniseasons, contestants who have been eliminated from the main game, but not eliminated entirely
Sooper Seekrit (Super Seekrit, Souper Seekrit): 1. when everyone is politely pretending they don't know who you are; 2. a term for your main account before you forget to log out of it when posting as your alt; Also Super Secret (depreciated)
Special Powers: abilities handed out randomly over the course of a season; See Also Topsy-Turvy and Immunity
Spirit of LJ Idol: a peer-selected contestant who is representative of a particular season
Topic Post (Topic Thread): 1. a place for contestants to Link In their entries; 2. a post in which comments that do not contain links shall merit deletion and/or cries of, "Get off my lawn!"
Topsy-Turvy: a Special Power which allows the poll to be flipped, so that the top of the poll is eliminated and the bottom is safe
Veterans: contestants who have participated in at least one other season of LJ Idol
Voting: the act of checking boxes and clicking a button that will either submit the boxes for tabulation or feed Frank the Goat, apparently at random
Zzzzz: 1. a sound that occurs just before you fall out of your chair while finishing an entry in the wee hours of Deadline morning; 2. the pre-cursor to any "cat-like typing" not caused by toddlers or AutoCorrect