(no subject)

May 24, 2006 12:14

dear jelva

why dont you take better care of your levels of stock because it is a pain in the butt for me to get around to shipping stuff to you. even a complete mornon should know when they need to order things

your sincerly
some jerk from sydney.

dear jerk from sydney

thankyou for your informative reply to where the hell are my atests. for future reference i will be ordering with plenty of time for delivery as well as sitting on your lazy ass time added as well. it is unfortunate that i could not take better care of my stock levels as i was only given this job as of friday.

if it pleases you i could travel back in time and place an order altough this may cause some issues with stepping on my predecessors toes and with the whole time continuation thing

thanks a f*^&in lot


just pissy in general

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