The First Time Lucy Watched a Movie with the Boys and Camille

Jul 23, 2012 15:16

Title: The First Time Lucy Watched a Movie with the Boys and Camille
Characters: the BTR boys, Katie, Lucy, Camille, with slight James/Carlos and Camille/Logan if you blink
Rating: PG
Warnings: Vague spoilers for Stardust, if you haven't seen it
Word Count: 799
Summary: Saturday nights are movie nights. This is Lucy's first time joining the crew.
Authors Notes: So there's this new BTR community: btdrabbles, for which anyone can drop by and write a 100~ word drabble about any challenge that this baby community has prompted. I'm a bit of a dweeb, so what I initially had as a fluffy drabble kind of bloated and got up to 800 words. Eh, well. PIMPING.

There was a lot of scurrying around and shouting, even more than usual. After having spent a week finding out just how spastic Kendall, James, Carlos, and Logan could be, Lucy thought nothing else could've proven just how normal those boys were. Because, seriously, despite how much fun she had ribbing Kendall about his not-rock music, she would be lying if she didn't find their ability to morph from Minnesotan teenager into pop stars with bona fide stage presence impressive.

Then she had witnessed Carlos and Logan shouting at each other at the top of their lungs, each gesturing wildly with a DVD case, next to the vending machines on the first floor. Before she could even open her mouth, Camille had oh-so-conveniently sidled up next to her and explained, "They're just deciding which movie to watch tonight. Every Saturday at four PM on the dot, in front of the vending machines. I think it's a sort of conference room for the two of them. Even Bitters gave up trying to shoo them away. You in?"

"Carlos is turning an alarming shade of red," Lucy noted. "How long do these shouting matches usually last? 'Cause the line for the smoothies is ridic long and they're in the way of my iced tea."

"Usually until - ah, there it is!"

Carlos leaned over and pinched Logan in the...nipular area. Lucy blinked and when she opened her eyes, yup, there was Carlos, pinching Logan's nipple. Logan retaliated by throwing both hands up and smacking Carlos' arm in a sort of flapping motion. That devolved into Carlos letting go of the other boy's chest and smacking Logan right back. Both DVDs were abandoned.

"Despite how entertaining this is, what do you mean am I in?" Lucy asked, patting her pockets. Damn, of all the times to leave her phone in her apartment.

"Saturday nights are movie nights. I'm allowed to bring one guest. Interested?" Camille asked.

"If it ends up like that, hell yes."

"Knock, knock!" Lucy called as she pushed open the door to apartment 2J. "I bring refreshments and caramel popcorn."

Carlos raced over to grab the bucket of popcorn from her arms. "Hi, Lucy! Camille told us you were coming - I saved you a pillow."

"Er, thanks?" she asked, following Carlos to the giant orange couch in the corner of the apartment. "Nice digs, man. My entire apartment is the size of your kitchen, so this is nice. I feel like I have room to breathe." She settled herself on the ground, on the lurid green and yellow cushions that Carlos had arranged on the ground, to which he had beamed and pointed to. "So what're we watching?"

"The greatest movie of all time," James said. He was sprawled across one leg of the couch. "Stardust."

"The greatest move of all time is A Beautiful Mind, dur," Logan muttered. He was pressed against the far end of the couch, arms crossed, one hand gently massaging the right side of his chest. "And I feel like some sort of condolence prize should've been given to me after Carlos nearly ripped my nipple out."

"Eh, well," Carlos grinned, not looking at all apologetic.

"I've never seen Stardust before," Camille offered. She reached her hand up and sympathetically patted Logan's knee. "Babe, you're fine. You've been through much worse."

Lucy and Kendall shared a scandalized look and raised eyebrows.

"WHAT?" Carlos made an "oh" voice. "Prepare to have your minds blown with awesome. There's swashbuckling adventures --" he flipped his middle finger up at Logan when he made a gurgling sound at the word "swashbuckling", "sky-flying pirates, evil women with knives, Robert DeNiro in drag, and ghosts! It's the perfect movie, really." He flopped down next to James, snuggling in so that James' head was pillowed onto his knees. "Oh, and I've turned the subtitles on because everyone has British accents."

"Aw, geez, Carlos," Kendall whined. He had a thing about subtitles and how they were technically spoilers because they revealed dialogue a beat ahead of time and because they were a distracting element.

"Last time we watched Three Musketeers, you complained about how you couldn't understand anything because everyone was British," Logan reminded him. Once Camille had handed him a bowl full of gummy worms, his sore nipple was forgotten, and he was cheerful again.

"How often does Carlos end up choosing the movies for movie night?" Lucy whispered to Camille.

"I think Kendall chose Mighty Ducks at one point, like six months ago."

"Huh. Good to know," Lucy nodded. She cracked open a bottle of Arizona tea and settled against the feet of the couch, grinning as the narrator began dryly introducing the magical city of Walle. Who knew she and Carlos had the same taste in movies?

lucy, fluff, kendall knight, drabble, big time rush, logan mitchell, james maslow, camille, carlos garcia, gen

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