I saw Captain America last weekend and HOMG it was amazing, and now I realize why LJ ships Tony Stark/Steve Rogers, and I wish I'd bookmarked all those fics that came out then because now that I'm actively looking for them, of course I can't find any. So, if any of you lovely f-listers could shoot some recs my way, I will love you for all eternity.
(And um. Don't even get me STARTED on the last Steve/Peggy scene in that movie because I AM STILL CRYING.)
I finally watched all of Doctor Who series 6 part 2, and um, NO QUESTIONS WERE ANSWERED, MOFFAT. NONE AT ALL.
But I do appreciate the concrete validation of Amy's love for Rory.
Old!Amy's wistful yearning for Rory just broke my heart, really. Especially when Robo!Rory made his appearance. And my sister told me that eyepatch!Amy's drawing of Rory was how she viewed him, and I was like AMY YOU BEAUTIFUL WONDERFUL HUMAN BEING, and then I was all emotionally compromised when eyepatch!Rory was fighting the pain, and how he called Amy "ma'am," and THEN SHE SAVED HIM ALL HBIC BAMF-y LIKE.
And I am officially back on the love for Merlin and Star Trek fanfic, and I've been trolling through all my bookmarks and LJ communities and AO3 for quality fic, and I still need to compile a list of Merlin recs for g
garnetice but I've been consumed with McCoy/Chapel (even though the only Star Trek movie I've seen is the 2009 version) so I keep hopping back and forth. (Just as a note - in Merlin, I ship Arthur/Gwen, Arthur/Merlin, Merlin/Morgana, and in Star Trek, I ship Sulu/Chekov, McCoy/Chapel, and Uhura/Spock.)
Yes. And that's all that's happened on the fanfic front these past months. And now we have
Harvestfest and NaNoWriMo to look forward to! I'm PUMPED.