Drag & Diva (boys in can that not be hilarious?)
Toga Night (everyone in bedsheets....oh yeah!)
Classy Night ( to end off all that cross dressing)
(jimmy you stud *wink wink*)
ok so i am finally going to update this damn thing.
Uni started about a month ago. Surprisingly its been pretty easy.
I dont foresee any major dramas either for the rest of the semester so thats gotta be good.
My favourite class has got to be religion. Its so bloody is in my lecture with me.
I end up having to jab him in the ribs cuz he always falls asleep, the dear boy. :)
The weather has been ridiculous.
It starts off bloody freezing so you bundle up in the morning to go for your first class ($^%ing 9am every morning)
and by the time your second class is over its blazing sunshine and you are dying from the heat.
About two weeks ago, Canberra experienced the worst hail storm in 30++ years.
the hail stones were fucking golf ball size. Well anyway the storm was so bad that it badly damaged over 60 of the buildings in Uni. So we got the rest of the week off. heh. We had a 5 day weekend.
Yes. We are a bunch of slackers. heh.
Needless to say, the first thing you do when you hear you got a 5 day weekend is to go out and get completely piss fucking drunk.
It was excellent.
(yeah that is not snow...those are hail stones mofo's!)
We went to the beach that weekend as well. we decided that me might as well take advantage of the warm weather now
before it got too cold to go swimming. that was a fucking good day...for more reasons than one. heh.
anyway, pictures of that another time.
Gender studies assignment: due thursday.