Pretty ladies and good looking men

Feb 01, 2011 20:39


Swim academy's internal award

Boltster ♥

Look at how much he's grown I used to be taller than him 5 years ago hahaha

WORLD CHAMP. Am so honored to be your classmate for 5 years, choy ;)

The most hated teacher has now become one of the favourite teachers ♥

Pangseh kia :'(

Love these two people so very much, roomie & bff ♥

& there's Mrs Teo :)

Synchro girls with pretty legs and beautiful faces

HOW CAN I POSSIBLY FORGET MY MACRITCHIE BUDDY. If not for you I will probably not be able to lose that much weight ♥

Alex (annoying) Tan Kee Hock heehee :-)

Do I still need to say? Love this boy more than anything else in the world xx

I still think Ms Eileen Tock is damn pretty

Joviiiii the cheena buddy on the left for 3 years! If only you studied harder we'd be in the same class for four years!! And there's pretty ting2 on the right :)

Naomi and Aloysius. If only ang jing was being hardoworking like how he is now, he'd probably be in 5A2 with us now :'(

It has become a habit for us to take this every year. I hope they come back for next year's awards night :'(

This girl everyday act cute

Love 4G'10

This guy is a j o k e r

Another joker aiyo

Cuties <3

Pangseh + 2 of my fav gals

The school's v extremely impt person :)

The nicest boarding staffs on earth

The girl has super active sweat gland hahahahah

And that's active sweat gland girl's boyfriend!! Super sweet lovin' couple

Look at where Haafizh in the background is looking at hahaha

Now look at Sean in the background hahahahah. All badminton players ahh

The camwhoring starts~

& Sha and I made them change into their dress hahahaha

Roomie's such a pretty girl

So this year's awards night was rather boring. Maybe it'd be quite exciting for the lower sec but 5 years of the same thing... You'll obviously get bored right and this year is my last compulsory awards night and after the whole event, I got a lil sad. Everything ended so quickly. I didn't get to take pic with everyone and we didn't even have the time to eat dinner. Yes it was that busy but everything's fine quite alright besides the speeches and all. And walking up un stage with your heels is quite scary cos you wouldn't know what's gonna happen and for all you know, the next thing, you'll start to fall, IN FRONT of everyone. It was super scary I was super extremely nervous. Hahah silly me oh well. We're done with Awards Night this year, what should we be looking forward to now? Graduation? :)

It's february, one month just flew by and jan was.. Sad, demoralizing, disappointment but I must say there were the good times as well. I am going to make February a good month, I am going to. My Jan was terrible but I know the boy's jan was probably way worse than terrible and I am so glad that everything's over. Got the boy a topshop shirt to make his day and I'm glad he liked it. I hope he reads this soon, everything is fine now okay. I am going to be here for you, rain or shine. We'll go through it together x

Anyway Happy Chinese New Year to y'all!  
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