After all that work that Tad put in during crunch time- 22 hour days, including over a weekend holiday what do they tell him?- that his raise which he was supposed to get at his anniversary in September, but keeps getting pushed back is not going to be effective until April! WTF?! I'm sorry, this is unacceptable. To the company's credit, though, they continue to show much appreciation and thanks and promise to be good to him. And they gave him some compped days off. And it's not just him that affected. But still, he is one man doing a job of many because he is the only one that can do it. Not cool. If he gets sick, or quits or something that company would collapse in on itself. Anyway, he asked for a promotion (good for him!). So here's to crossed fingers!
I was gonna rant about some other stuff, too. I'm lazy now. So I'll do it later...