Apr 05, 2005 20:09
I have to say the pope dying had a very very very nice outcome. Day off hell thats almost worth saying im a part of the religion.. but ne ways no school tomorrow because ohara just likes to have random days off.
Went to St. Joes to see eric becuz hes amazing and i had to make his day by seeing him not tp mention i saw billy which was fun. I love Greggory with all my heart and soul and he is my gay bf for life. I took beltane ( my snake) out for a walk today with Gregg cuz it was so beautiful. I cant believe someone asked if the snake smelled weird.. but we went to starbaucks and i tried to hide her but she slithered outa my pocket and tried crawling on the counter but getting yelled at was worth it to see the cashers face when a boa came outa and just sat there.
Love the ones who hate you.
P.S. I cant wait till tomorrow when i get to see Eric again