i am dumping shit. cleaning closets. see.
Long Island Iced Tea
1 part Vodka
1 part Tequila
1 part Rum
1 part Gin
1 part Triple sec
1 1/2 part Sour mix
1 splash Coca-Cola
oh yeah.
Skieur au fond d'un puits.
http://bobbyconn.com/bcgg/content/music/media/angels.html "humility is the realization that one is beneath self contempt"
despair is a vortex sucking all things into the self. love is a light illuminating all things from within. the fact is you have to get up and work"
these are all from Addicts Damn by peter Bellamy and J Chaster
Qer: The sensibility of your work makes me think of Henry Darger.
Gregory Jabobsen: Yeah, he's definitely an influence. He created his own world, and it had its own logic. There are little girls with penises, and it's never questioned. It's what the world consists of: little girls with penises!
http://www.naropa.edu/audioarchive/tapes/TRACK_7.MP3 i think i've traced my awkward one-arm hug (have you ever noticed? left arm around shoulders, right arm folded up against chest. a guy in chicago has actually stopped me to make me move my arm and hug him proper) to its source, and that source is james beall. or more specifically, james beall's crushing that left me with little alternative but defensive arm-squishing.
i wrote these:
animal residue in my consumer products.
another great preoccupation is that people can see me from the surrounding buildings, through the six inches of open window that the blinds don't cover, through the slits in the blinds themselves.
the technicolor ashes of Ross the lover spread and re-spread, heaped on the wood paneling memorial: a shrine guarded by two green stained lions
i totally told this lady at the art institute that she was eating the artist's dead gay lover. she was confused.
i don't know why.