my new 101 goals in 1001 days!

Jan 07, 2009 23:06

[jan 7: i don't have 101 goals YET. i'm only at 66, but i'll add more as i go
feb 18: added more goals (at 71 now), crossed off a few things!
mar 18: added more goals, up to 81; made some changes & edits!
july 13: crossed off more. need to add the remaining goals. have up to 101 but need to post them!
aug 19: hit 101! crossed off one.
sept 23: revised one or two. crossed off a few!
dec 26: crossed off one; reviewing for 2010

sept 27: crossed off a few. edited one or two.
dec 20: crossed off one or two

oct 20: late finishing up, did final cross-offs and count]

Completed: 41/101
Not completed & continuing: 35/101

January 1, 2009 - Sept 29, 2011

(or, age 21 - age 24)

1. live with more confidence, self assurance and passion Still something I'm working on, but have definitely come a long way from 2009
2. take more initiative in all aspects of my life Done like dinner!
3. grow my nails
4. get another piercing body mod (piercing/tattoo/etc) June10: got third ear piercings done
5. improve my French Definitely improved and still improving
6. write more letters
7. finish Katimavik June 24/09!
8. get the ball rolling on starting my own business Dec09: getting the foundation started, but not enough to cross this off yet. Oct11: never did get this going, and don't plan on it.
9. buy a banjo Jan7/09; turns out that i didn't even have to buy a banjo because someone gave one to me!
10. cultivate the family A garden
11. learn Russian The motivation is still there, but unsure if I'm going to focus on Russian or a different language. I'm leaning more towards Hebrew or Swedish
12. practice nonviolent communication An awesome communication skill to have; defuses tension very successfully!
13. be as vegan and raw as possible making the best effort possible. Oct11: was vegan for almost all of this 101in1001, reverted to vegetarian in Jan11, reverted to seafood in Sept 11. Delicious, no plans on changing.
14. try contact lenses
15. WWOOFing (NZ or Isle of Man) researched a little; planning for future. Oct11: not sure if I really want to
16. cross continent travelling & exploring with Caitlin trips to Van Island, Paris, who knows? Oct11: didn't travel with Caitlin, but I did travel across Canada 4-5 times since Jan09
17. organize an actual singing gig Okay, so it wasn't a "gig", but I've sung in public twice, so I'm counting those
18. take up bellydancing
19. sprouting! Dec 2010: have sprouted chickpeas since spring '10
20. learn more about plants and survival skills
21. learn more ASL
22. do more yoga Oct11: attempted to start a daily habit in late Dec10. didn't stick, but am trying again!
23. go to bed earlier. Did this for a long time because of work. Aimed at making it a routine again.
24. wake earlier. change my inner clock to 6-6:30am Same as above
25. make more of my own clothing Can count this as "done", but will continue
26. grow my hair out Changing this to freely experimenting with my hair. Done Jan 09, and onward! Dec09: ironically, am growing out my hair now! Aiming for belly button length. Sept10: shaved my head for cancer research in Feb, am now growing it out as long as possible before getting dreads. Oct11: got dreads in May11, combed them out during the summer, am now growing as long as possible
27. learn more about being a doula
28. make a zine still want to do this!
29. delete all pictures from Facebook; transfer all uploading to Flickr Sept10: this really isn't even a goal of mine anymore. not sure what to do about it. Oct11: yup, definitely abandoning this goal
30. work at a free school a goal to keep on my bucket list, but removing from future 101in1001s
31. make my own tea
32. only give homemade or fair trade gifts Tried my best, was pretty successful! will continue
33. survive on dumpster diving for a week/month/season
34. write and record more songs as of summer 09, going beautifully. Oct11: I've written, recorded, and performed quite a few songs and have a hilarious lowfi band with my sister
35. hooping! Sept10: started hooping in May10, now own 6 hoops & loving it!
36. be an amazing aunt! I think I'm pretty awesome with kids now!
37. celebrate my 24th birthday in Paris with people i love! <3 Dec 2010: I definitely won't be making it to Paris, so I'm just going to have an amazing birthday! Oct11: Yup, didn't make it to Paris, but had a nice birthday with people i love in Halifax
38. don't eat minimal processed or junk food (a girl's gotta have a indulgence!) Oct11: yeah, definitely didn't follow this. Don't really care anymore!
39. see Sam Roberts perform this NEEDS to happen
40. meet Dallas Green Don't really care anymore, my Dallas phase ended!
41. do morning pages started Feb17/09; ended shortly after. am going to restart! Oct11: Never restarted them. May try again.
42. have a child out of love No babies here
43. experience natural (as possible) birth bucket list!
44. visit every province and territory in Canada as of Aug09, have only Nfld & territories! Oct11: still only have Nfld & territories left!
45. use DivaCup, Lunapads (or make my own) done Jan09. aww yeah! love my DivaCup!
46. attend a raw festival
47. knit a hammock
48. fall in love happened way long ago; dusted off, polished & wearing <3 on sleeve!... June09, starting again. see: #97
49. go surfing
50. donate blood
51. attend an indian wedding
52. milk a goat
53. memorize origami
54. make a list of 100 good things that have happened to me and draw inspiration from them
55. only use a reusable travel mug Received from work placement as a good-bye present :)
56. hold a bake sale for fundraising
57. learn more poi
58. live on a higher level of consciousness
59. go back to school Sept10: started studies at U of Saskatchewan. Oct11: transferred to MSVU, loving it!
60. use natural birth control I track my cycles and body temps
61. have a wedding MY way Not happening anymore, but now have good idea of what I'd want
62. knit something new every month I need to start blogging these! Oct11: failed pretty badly, but it was a pretty weird goal to begin with
63. get my fortune read
64. be a responsible consumer
65. go on a retreat
66. visit Gampo Abbey
67. survive a Saskatchewan winter done April 1/09. Sept10: it's ironic that I live here now & this will be my 3rd Sask winter!
68. finish 1st rotation done Jan 15/09
69. finish 2nd rotation done April 1/09
70. finish 3rd rotation done June 24/09
71. do the Artist's Way course
72. sleep in a hammock
73. streamline my wardrobe Sept10: after major flooding this summer, I had to pare down a lot of my clothes. It felt good & now I can easily dress myself, haha.
74. do an activity with my sister each week (summer 09) Sept09: revised to doing activities & staying close with my sisters
75. move into my OWN place (vs. rentshare) Moved in Dec '09
76. document all my creativity
77. develop my freelance writing portfolio
78. make my own root beer
79. geocache in every province
80. enter a dance competition/tournament (for partners)
81. go to SxSW
82. sleep at Anna's house Done! Aug27/09
83. record an album Getting there!
84. spend a day under Ethan's rules
85. roll in mud
86. buy a guitar
87. pimp out my bike
88. pick my own strawberries
89. camp the Cabot Trail
90. eat at Pink Sushi with Mary & Jen
91. create a blog done!
92. get a Pro account on Flickr
93. go to Egypt and climb a pyramid
94. learn a French song June 09 - Reviens-moi par Deny Bedard
95. learn Spanish taking Spanish at school in Jan11
96. get an SLR camera
97. fall in love. again. Happened way sooner than I ever thought it would. August09. Oct11: Ended our relationship in April'11. Now back to square one. Taking it slow, loving myself FIRST!
98. visit all of my group members at least once Oct11: Have seen 6/10 people in person. Have kept in touch with all of them!
99. go back to Parksville Aug09, so nice!
100. join a band Started The Snowbabies with my sister
101. have a job that I LOVE Oct11: various library jobs!

feel free to give me suggestions or ideas or criticism!
if anyone can help give me any kind of push, shove or gentle nudge toward any of these, by all means, push away!

101 in 1001

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