Feb 23, 2005 20:05
this is what they say in swedish when it hurts to get sawed in half. ney ney ney is no. i like hearing that language. it feels good on my ears.
k, my break time is almost over and then i shall edit again. i must be diligent (said like someone just stabbed me in the back and i'm barely getting my words out and with a shakespearean accent except the word diligent has to be said really fast and then i hang my head) end scene.
did my laundry, yes, at 7am. i was diligent. ate today, yes, i am diligent. went to the chiropractor, hell yes, gosh i'm good. even took a shower. oo, girl, you got curve. read George's script about a talking penis. couldn't resist it. who knew? played with paint today and threw alka seltzers inside a pitcher of orange soda. twas, beautiful.
went to a protools class? what was i thinking?
on the bus today, there was a woman reading a book right in back of me, but her seat was perpendicular to mine. her body was resting up against my seat and my hair? my hair was cleverly draped over the bar in back of my head. this woman kept shoving her body against my hair, lodging it and every time i went to move my head it would pull my hair out of my head. it hurt so bad and i was getting so pissed off over it. but the weird thing is that she didn't even know she was doing it and i could've plainly said . . . well, you know, but i didn't. instead i was thinking, "she is so stupid. what the hell is her problem? she's doing it on purpose." the most ridiculous thoughts. then i laughed at myself for being such a brat.