I went to work with blondish hair today. It was a very interesting change. Alot of people suprised me by telling me it looked good. I was sort of confused and vapid all day, but I can't say that was a change of pace sadly.
I'm dyeing it back tomorrow or the next day and then I will get my lovely stylist, aka Alex, to dread it. Wooot woot wooot. Proper dreadies.
After combing dreads out twice I thought it might be a nice idea to get it done right proper. Unfortunatly I'll have bangs still, but ooh man, because its so thinned out from styling adventures they will be super short and in turn probably super cute. Well unless you're one of those maniacs who hates cute little baby dreads. Look away man.
I've wanted these forever, Alex says he'll disown me if I comb them out. I'm glad.