May 09, 2007 19:32
I forgot why I used to ride my bike exclusively at night! Those rich little shit-head Crayton Park kids were out today due to the warmth and sun ,where I've allready been out since it was snowing one day +12 the next. They are for some reason attatched to pissing me off! Everytime I see one of those shits without Everett around they yell things at me and piss me off. If Everetts there they're all friendly "they were in such and such swim class I taught" he'd say. The fucking shits can't figure out how to swim on they're own. MAN I HATE KIDS. I swear even if they're kids I might knock their heads together if I'm given a hard time again. I told them off today and they shut up for a bit.
ARRR. I put up with dumb kids everyday walking home from highschool, I'd rather the gangster baby's then the rich-shits. At least I can be satisfied knowing those ghetto babys will probably have a a baby and no daddy by the time theyre 16. The rich shits though... Probably go to some nice university, I hope they all get uncomfortable office jobs with no air conditioning! I hope they get addicted to coke and their (trophy) wife leaves them, alone, in a huge house. I hope they crash on airplane to the Bahamas. I hope they grow up and stop pissing me off everytime I go to ride my bike! Ugh.
I think the little jerk-balls know where I live now. They were gathered at the end of my street after I had gone in different direction to avoid conflict and me spilling their blood. I knew the kid at the end of the street and if he says anything, or if their poisonous little eyes followed me .I WILL AQUIRE DINOSAUR STRENGTH AND CRUSH THEM!!
I was soooooo scared they'd take my brand awesome new bike (I checked theirs out, mines significantly better). I locked mine up. Stealing one of those twots shitty bikes wouldnt be half as satisfying as mine.
How much trouble can you get in for beating kids up who hassle and provoke you on the street. They're all teen-pre-teeny twiggy kids. I could take 5 of them, well as angry as I was I could have.