my weekend

Aug 06, 2006 22:58

well on saturday i didnt get to talk to john alllll day till like 10 something bc the internet was down and i didnt wanna call bc i had the fear he had to go home right then but get up with me bc i had been gone all afternoon. well we finally got to talk for the first time in 2 WHOLE DAYS!akk! thats just wrong! all day i had been worried about kimmie's friend that went to the hospital bc of a leg ingury during the pro soccer game. he at the time was in ICU and had 60% change in life and i went around calling ppl at about 11 something to pray for him. well i went to bed at 2 am after talking a long time with john and trying to calm kimmy down. i was awoken by 7am sunday morning because jennifer, amy, emily,rachel and aisalyn were moving back to north carolina ( they found base housing) and mom had made her tomato gravy and biscuts for breckfast before they left. sometime at 7ish am and i checked my messages from msn that i had left on as usual. i had one from kimmy where she was flipping out bc americo was on life support and had a 30% chance of living, which really supprized me because we all thougth that since he had 60 % at 11pm that he would get better...but did not. so i immideatly called dana and told her the news and then called natalie and found out that at 4:30 am kimmy called and told them the same thing and she was about to call me to see if i knew. she said that kimmy had called and was going crazy and all manic depressic, which really scared me bc i dont know how i could have taken it either if someone like john or dana or natalie was dying.... well dana gets on msn and talks to kimmy and finds out that she is planning on going to natalies church (to see ben who had just gotten home that morning and take her mind off it all) so dana, karen and i decided to show up to support kimmy. i really had wanted to see john that morning but i knew i had to be there for kimmy bc her friend was on his death bed. when we showed up kimmy was not ok, we could tell she had been crying all night and all morning and she probably didnt sleep in 2 or so days... her poor eyes were soo red and puffy it made me wanna cry but instead i gave her a hug, told her we were there for her and praying and tryed to take her mind off of it by doing stupid crap with we ended up on the grass...anyhow...i was happy to see ben and could tell he was soooooo happy to see us all mainly natalie (naturally hhehehe). after the booooring service ( im telling you i bout nodded off a billion times..then again that could be bc i have been so worried about americo and kimmy so i hadnt really slept in 2 days) we ate at church ( kimmys goood homemade mannacotti!) and course i had to get some chocolate pie...but the stupid thing was i forgot i had a fork so i was eating it with my fingers...which i admit is hard when its oozing out of your fingers so natalie looks over and asks "uhm caitlin...why are you squishing your pie?" so i look at her and respond "well....crap i forgot i had a fork!" that got everyone laughing at me haha i admit it was funny...i mean come on how do you forget that? then after the meal i was dropped off to my house and since i live only like 5 mins from the church i was the first one to check my messages to see how americo was doing (dsl rawks!) i found out it was a miricle that he was alive and when they thought he was a gonner he got out of his comma and his first words were "just kidding" haha we all luved now hes doing ok...still worrying about his health but i think he should be out in a couple of days. then i see that john isnt on and so i decide to try to take a nap that i really needed from the past 2 days...well i never fell asleep really....i did however sort of sleep for i had a clip of a dream something about me cleaning and i messed up and made a mop or a vacume cleaner over flow and then i shocked myself with a socket, but was ok. at about 3:30 my mom wakes me up and we go to my dads office to correct my essay and we do that till 6 when i arrive to church. i had a great time with john. hehe the hugies and kissies were awsome! and holding his hand always makes me feel so perfect and happy i never wanna let go, fooling around with john is always funhehe i just wish we had more time to hang out...dang i should have listened to them and gotten my licence by now...ger im having the consiquences now! if john leaves on a bus ( which makes me nervous bc those usually have lots of excapeies on it) then my mom will take me up to montgomery to see him off. and in september or whenever gray gets back i will be able to go north carolina and the marine base isnt but a few hours away so john will probably get to see me then!!!!!!!!!!!! if he ends up staying in a hotel then i will help pay for it....but i just gotta see him! oh the tourture of not getting to see him when i know he only a matter of hours a way...and i dont mean that 11 or so hour drive we always take to go to nc...
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