(no subject)

Apr 17, 2006 14:54

Your Ultimate Purity Score Is... Category Your Score Average Self-Lovin' 96.7%
Never taken out of the packaging 64.9% Shamelessness 100%
79% Sex Drive 97.4%
The Pope is envious 77.4% Straightness 96.4%
Just go fuck something, okay? 44.1% Gayness 96.4%
Repressed, are we? 83.8% Fucking Sick 99.1%
Refreshingly normal 90% You are 95.4% pure
Average Score: 72.5%

Take The Ultimate Purity Test
and see how you match up!

(By The Ferrett)
I felt... violated after filling out this test. I shouldn't have taken it from Axl-san's journal. <<;;
But the deed has already been done, so May-san might as well post it.
.... I just hope I can get these images out of my mind *_T

Please don't take this test, Johnny. I would be devastated to see you violated in such a way as well... u_u;;
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