Jan 10, 2009 16:09
So I would suppose it's time for an update, as holidays have passed and life has changed.
Holidays came and went, not much fanfare. They just... were. And they were a little odd this year. I'm not really sure why, they just felt different.
With the new year comes, as usual, new goals. Since I didn't really accomplish any new years resolutions in recent years, I'm not making resolutions. Just goals.
I've started an online shop for my crafts! Nothing's there yet, so I won't bother you with a shameless plug, but I am really excited that it will be a new thing for me. A way to keep doing what I love, be able to share it, and then make a little bit of pocket money that is so desperately needed for us. It should be fun, and I am working on my skills day by day and getting better so that someone would actually want to buy any of this stuff. Eh, but you know. I'm joining the "family business"; 21st-century style. My mother did craft shows throughout my childhood, and now I'm doing it too, just online.
It's fulfilling. I hope it goes well.
:) That's about all the news fit to print. Nothing great or horrible happening right now.