08/09 IVP ended with a heavy silver medal

Jan 11, 2009 16:30

What a season!

I can say I'm very free now. Time has not stopped flying since my new year began! Busy with mostly Rugby because it was th IVP season nd it was a very important tournament. It meant alot to my seniors nd we fought hard for it. It's finally over! I'm glad t say it ended on a good note. It was a good fight against NTU. I tried my best in th game. We were tied & we had t play sudden death till 3 man was left on th field. Th winger played th easy way out nd burn th wing but Su didn't give up th chase. Everyone's fighting spirit really motivated me for this whole tournament. All their encourgement got me never t give up even after th opposition scored against us. I've indeed learned alot in this whole tournament nd I'm happy! It is indeed, my life's greatest achievement (:


My seniors who will be dearly missed!

It will be our turn t conquer th field next year!

Mag & Me

Whole IVP Team

With ex-seniors, Narene & Eunice

With our osg/advisor, our coach boo!, ex-seniors, dylis's parents

The press or some media people kept asking us t move here nd there for photos (:
With NTU

Good fought, silver medal!

The end

What a week it has been. I found many bruises on my legs nd it's really ugly. At least 12? A was so sweet, she waited for me at expo for my service t end nd brought me chinese medicated oil t rub on my bruises then we headed t Jasmine's birthday bbq. These bruises are no joke. Most of them are th grey-green kind which really hurts so badly. My muscles are aching too! I'm glad it's over nd I'm looking forward t a good rest before next intensive training comes again. My right leg is limping for now, as my muscles are overworked, it hurts when I walk.

Now, back t normal school week next week. Left with 2 more weeks of school!! I'm so excited for th holidays. I don't know what I'm gonna do yet but I'm sure it's gonna be fun, fun, funnn! I'm gonna help my momma bake some cookies now! Toodles! Major period cramps, very very moody + hungry!


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