Sep 07, 2004 20:48
erm this is short but sad...
i dun wan ma mates hatin me for nething i luff em all i am sooo sowee lubo yknow i fukin love u alot dude u mean alot to me!!
erm so ykno ma mom went in for tht op well em she found out today there is a fukin blockage in her heart *shit.cunt bastard*i dunno wat ill do if a fukin love her she means sooo fukin much to me *DAMN*am sooo fukin lost why is gawd out to fukin get me sooo badly first ma gran now ma mom well he cant fukin have her OK well sher is goin in for anothr op aftr her holiday!!i luff her sooo much n if i loose her i aint got noone absolutely noone!