Jan 31, 2004 19:13
Absolute Hottie1:hey hey doosh!
Absolute Hottie1:i love u
Absolute Hottie1:like alex likes boys
CoolJesse8:i luvv ya
Absolute Hottie1:heym, maybe he can have a play date with michael jackson!
Absolute Hottie1:lol jk
CoolJesse8: haha
CoolJesse8: trevor=hottie
CoolJesse8: hhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaa
CoolJesse8: loooo
CoolJesse8: llll
Absolute Hottie1: hehehe hahaa
CoolJesse8: heha
Absolute Hottie1: el poco loco baby!
CoolJesse8: wat the ?!?!
CoolJesse8: friday we get out early
Absolute Hottie1: what time
CoolJesse8: 1:30
CoolJesse8: hopfully he will ask me to the movies
CoolJesse8: and it will just be u and me(if he tells me to bring a freind) and him and a hottie for u!
CoolJesse8: haha
Absolute Hottie1: lol
Absolute Hottie1: u sicl=ko
CoolJesse8: yes im a sicl=ko
CoolJesse8: watever that is
Absolute Hottie1: lol
Absolute Hottie1: sicko
Absolute Hottie1: u gorgeous babe
CoolJesse8: i c
CoolJesse8: u hot sexxy mama
Absolute Hottie1: u little stripper babe
CoolJesse8: u little to goreous to be a hoe babay
Absolute Hottie1: oh yea baby!
Absolute Hottie1: yeah!
Absolute Hottie1: lol
CoolJesse8: yaaaaa
CoolJesse8: holllaa
CoolJesse8: lol
CoolJesse8: we r so weird
Absolute Hottie1: ur telling me?
Absolute Hottie1: lol
CoolJesse8: ha
CoolJesse8: oo it looks so cold out side
Absolute Hottie1: it is
Absolute Hottie1: omg
CoolJesse8: ???
Absolute Hottie1: this weirdo guy keeps on talking to me
CoolJesse8: who???
Absolute Hottie1: he's like, i have ur picture, we met last friday, ur beautiful ,wanna go out?
Absolute Hottie1: im 24, 5'9
Absolute Hottie1: i keep telling him like dude, im a minor!
CoolJesse8: and wat does he say
Absolute Hottie1: he hasnt answered yet
CoolJesse8: yeah its one of those things
CoolJesse8: i always get those
CoolJesse8: they dont awsner u
Absolute Hottie1: no, he makes mistakes when he talks
CoolJesse8: uhh so?
Absolute Hottie1: the machines spell everything right
CoolJesse8: well its not a machine but its like one of those things
Absolute Hottie1: but he has a profile
CoolJesse8: wats his sn?
Absolute Hottie1: good4badluck
CoolJesse8: ew hes werid
CoolJesse8: weird*
Absolute Hottie1: i kno
CoolJesse8: im at a page and 2 paragraphs for anthro and ive eaten dinner
CoolJesse8: im making progress
Absolute Hottie1: nice
CoolJesse8: haha
Absolute Hottie1: i need to start and stop messing around
Absolute Hottie1: im gunna go
CoolJesse8: kk call me later
Absolute Hottie1: bye, ok, xoxoxox
CoolJesse8: <3333333333333333
Absolute Hottie1: ?
CoolJesse8: <3
CoolJesse8: its a heart
Absolute Hottie1: how?
CoolJesse8: dude i dont know..it just is
Absolute Hottie1: lol
CoolJesse8: muchos graciass
CoolJesse8: remember that card at the car wash that was like grassy ass?
Absolute Hottie1: yeh
Absolute Hottie1: look at my profile
CoolJesse8: haha dude im lovin it
Absolute Hottie1: dude!
CoolJesse8: dude!
Absolute Hottie1: no
Absolute Hottie1: dude!
CoolJesse8: !
CoolJesse8: dude
Absolute Hottie1: dude!!
haha i love u stevanna...dont change ok???