Aug 06, 2005 02:30
We had another craft night today! Lots of fun, a friend from work, Carmen, joined us. Good times, cut up a lot of magazines and made some cool stuff. Tomorrow is Rocky Horror again! I gotta figure out what I want to wear.
Last night me and Mark went and saw "Last Days", I liked some parts of it a lot but others I thought were a little too drawn out. It definatly isn't a story movie, but more of a serious play with images, sound and art. Good if you're looking for something to think about, not good if you're looking to be entertained by a movie. I love how film as a medium can be used differently in those ways. Anyhow, after the movie we walked by a dance club and I remembered I haven't gone out to a club in forever, but most my friends out here dont like doing those things much (I miss Amy!). So I was all like 'i need some dancing friends' and got talked at work to one of the managers- Andrea- who is way cool about it and she said we should go out sometime cuz she likes to- then right after we talked about it she called a radio station and won tickets to go to this club next Saturday! So we're gonna go to that, it was such a weird thing that right after I got to thinking how I wanna go something like that happens. Almost spooky! Love it. Can't wait to see The Corpse Bride!!!!