Spring Break so far...

Mar 23, 2006 22:38

Sit down my children and I shall tell you a tale!

So, last weekend EVERYONE had left flagstaff except for christy and me, and we were pretty much damn bored. So, we decide to engage in some underage drinking, of course! So, we decide to go to my dorm after i get off work and just have a little night cap and watch some movies. Too bad for us that some ra's were down the hall AND KNOCKED ON OUR FUCKING DOOR!!! So, we had to let them in, and, luckily, they only found one bottle of vodka, which they made us pour out and dispose of. What a waste of perfectly good skyy, right? Anyways, what kind of fucking loser sits in her dorm over spring break and busts kids for having some fun? All we were doing was sitting on the floor watching just married and eating hot pockets, not disturbing a soul. And the dorms were fucking empty too. I was so pissed off after that moment. Anyways, so we wawke up the next morning and go get some breakfast at coco's, which you have to go to and have their strawberry pancakes, omg, they are to die for! Then I had to go to work, and then Christy and I had dinner at Chilis, which was scrumptous as always.

Then I drove down to Tucson all by myself! YAY! I didnt get lost at all, which is AWESOME for me. I usually have to turn around and try to figure out where i went wrong...like most of my life i guess, lol.

Speaking of this trip, why is it that i have to pee so much?? I never understand this. It's only 3 and a half hours from flag to tucson, so why would i need to stop and use the restroom? So, of course i did...Ugh. Anyways...

So, me and my friend Litzaya had like the best day ever on tuesday! We visited the U of A campus and met up with skanky whorish Daniel and he gave us a little tour. then he walked RIGHT INTO A FUCKING SIGN!!! It was hilarious! And then Litzaya and I met up with some of her guys and we kicked it. It was literally 5 or 6 guys and us. They were so cool, tho! And then we drank a SHIT LOAD of bacardi at her house and watched dirty dancing.

OK, BUT HERE IS THE KICKER! We woke up the next morning and were SICK AS FUCK! I literally prayed for death. It was awful.

But I got over that real quick when my mom took me to keva juice AKA HEAVEN IN SMOOTHIE FORM! Praise God for Tucson. Glorious, Glorious Tucson!

Today, fairly uneventful as I visited IRHS, saw my kid brother play tennis, and went to Target.

Which reminds me...

I havent seen Jesse in over a week, and I am going crazy. It's sometimes scary how much i love that kid. I miss him :(

Anyways, kids, thats about all that has gone down. I need to do some hardcore shopping and eat some more Chipotle!!!
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