May 23, 2005 23:25
In an amazing feat of coordination and overall careful planning, Carrie Hurd, at student at Carleton College, managed to open a door swiftly into her nose today at approximately 8pm. Her proboscis released a loud cracking noise and began to throb with pain. Ms. Hurd managed to run upstairs to her bathroom and stop the copious amounts of blood with a good deal of toilet paper. Her roommate, Miranda Fix, aided in the situation by suggesting ice cubes as a viable next step in the treatment of this possible broken nose. Ms. Hurd, adorned with ice cubes, proceeded to call her father, a general practitioner in San Antonio, TX, to get his advice on the matter. Since her nose was not visibly crooked, Dr. Hurd concluded that it was probably not a break. He did, however, mention the probability of swelling and continued discomfort and discoloration for the next several days. He advised Ms. Hurd to take 3 ibuprofen tablets every six hours, as necessary, and keep ice on the nose to reduce swelling. At approximately 10 pm, Ms. Hurd noted that her nose had gone numb despite removing ice from it for a significant period of time. Dr. Hurd indicated that this was due to swelling, after a lengthy description by the patient.
Currently, Ms. Hurd is in good condition in Northfield, Minnesota, in her dorm room at Carleton College. She is icing her nose, and will post further details and pictures if anything noteworthy occurs.
PS The moral of this story is: Don't be an idiot and open doors into your nose. That is all.