god damn

May 24, 2005 21:57

so tired now..so exhausted. so sick and tired of the bullshit im getting pulled through. yes life sucks, yes life is hell...but how long do i honestly need to get tortured???? is there actually any hope for me to heal..for me to move on from the hell that i was slapped with. i thought the people i loved the most, i thought the people i considered friends, the people i confided in the most.. ALL untrue, unfaithful, unloyal...i feel so betrayed. i honestly feel like some laughing stalk to everyone, ebcause everyone knows for so long that shit has been going on and i had no clue..ive been just dying in my own ways..and then they sat and watched as i fell to the ground again and again and then come up and say im sorry.. im sorry???? wtf!?

-- how can something so great be so deadful? so wrong? how did it turn from heaven to hell.. what the fuck went wrong. i know people change.. but jesus christ... that is pathetic that a person can be so much of a cold hearted, mulitious, person. i guess im just another fool.. another fucking fool.. well no more you assholes! i hope that one day it comes back at you but twice as hard.

im done, im out. fuck off.

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