Maybe This Time 2/2

Nov 14, 2009 15:14

Title: Maybe This Time
Recipient: hafital
Pairing: Rose/Jenny
Rating: PG-15.
Word Count: 3247
Summary: .Jenny waves a hand casually. “I’m stealing your ship.”
Spoilers: Non specific for The Doctor’s Daughter.

Jenny kicks her when she crawls into bed that night, and Rose yelps.

“Sorry,” Jenny says, without sounding sorry at all, and settles down beside her. Rose glares.

“I don’t want you to sleep here,” she says.

“But I like it here,” Jenny protests. She slips a hand onto Rose’s hip.

“I don’t care,” Rose says, ignoring the hand. “I don’t like it, and I don’t like you.”

She feels particularly childish, so it’s a surprise when Jenny retracts her hand and actually gets out of bed.

“Alright,” she says. “Fine. I’ll sleep somewhere else.”

Rose watches her leave. She wishes it didn’t hurt so much.


“Hello,” Rose says. She stands into doorway of the console room, watching Jenny. It’s been an entire day since they last saw one another, and Rose is almost ready for bed again. She doesn’t want to go alone.

“Hello,” Jenny says back. She barely glances up. The activator has grown in size, and actually looks like a real machine.

“Jenny,” Rose says. She waits. Jenny keeps on working. Rose purses her lips.

“What?” Jenny asks, not looking at her.

Rose bites her lips. “Nothing,” she says.

“Fine,” Jenny says.

Rose watches for another minute.

“What?” Jenny asks again.

“Nothing,” Rose snaps.

“Then what did you come here for?”

“To say I’m sorry!”

Rose shouts it angrily, and Jenny finally looks up at her. “Oh,” she says. She stands up. “I forgive you.”

“Good,” Rose says. She can’t help still sounding annoyed.

“Do we hug now?” Jenny asks.

Rose blinks. “Alright,” she says.

They step toward one another cautiously, unused to physical contact outside of entangling themselves when they share Rose’s bed. Rose awkwardly put her arms around Jenny, and Jenny steps nearer. She brushes a tiny kiss onto the corner of Rose’s mouth. Rose pulls her closer.

They break apart, and Rose is sure her cheeks are red.

“Yes, well,” she manages. “I’m going to bed.” She doesn’t quite dare ask the rest of the question.

“Give me a minute,” Jenny says. “I’m coming with you.”

Rose can’t help smiling.


They sleep close that night, Jenny’s arm over Rose’s middle, their legs tangled, their foreheads pressed together. It was Jenny who had casually initiated the contact when they got into bed, and Rose found she didn’t mind at all. With Jenny wrapped around her, sleep comes easily.


The activator is almost ready by the end of the next day. Rose is almost disappointed, but Jenny is proud of herself, and Rose is proud too. She pulls Jenny close when they get into bed, and, feeling daring, she presses a kiss onto her cheek. Jenny turns, smiling, and then her lips are on Rose’s mouth, and Rose squeaks a little in surprise, but kisses back almost immediately.

Jenny lays on hand on Rose’s hip, her lips still moving hungrily, and Rose opens her mouth to let Jenny’s tongue inside. She moans somewhere in her throat, more turned on that she’d like to pretend, and she can feel Jenny smile against her lips. Jenny’s kisses move from her mouth to run along her neck, nipping at her earlobe, and Rose lets her head fall back, and her hands moves from Jenny’s shoulders down to cup what’s below.

She strokes her thumbs over taut nipples, feeling them stiffen beneath her, and then she shifts her left hand upward and it’s then that she feels it: instead the usual ba-bump, she feels ba-ba bump-bump. Rose draws back, breathing hard, staring at Jenny.

“Two hearts,” she breathes. “You have two hearts.”

“Yes,” Jenny whispers. “I do.”

“Are you - are you like him?” Rose asks, shock still colouring her voice. “A - a Time Lady?”

“No,” Jenny says, still whispering. “No, I’m not.” She doesn’t say anything, just looks inexplicably sad, and Rose pulls her forward again, touching their lips together.

“It doesn’t matter,” she whispers. “It doesn’t matter.”

Later, when she’s slid back on the bed, her tongue circling Jenny’s clit, and two fingers inside of her, Jenny cries out a wordless name. There are tears on her cheeks when her hands travels down past Rose’s stomach and through the curls between her thighs, but she carries on regardless, and when Rose stiffens, gasping, she buries her face in Jenny’s neck, and kisses her, and Jenny finally stops crying.


They wake still pressed close together, bodies bare, and for once Jenny doesn’t seem in a hurry to rise. Rose snuggles into her, and they end up spending the rest of the day in bed.

“The activator can be ignored for a day or two,” Rose murmurs into Jenny’s ear, and when Jenny seems about to protest, she nips the skin below it, and suddenly Jenny doesn’t seem to object at all.


They get up the next day, and Rose sits with Jenny while she adds the finishing touches to the activator. When it’s done, they stand up, facing one another, holding hands.

“Are you ready?” Jenny asks quietly.

Rose pulls her in for a lasting kiss.

“I’m ready,” she says.

Jenny turns away from her and flicks a switch on the activator. The machine lights up, whirring away, and reality suddenly seems different. Rose stumbles a little, dizzy.

“Sorry,” Jenny’s voice says, sounding far away. “I didn’t have time to stabilize it.”

Rose’s eyes clear, and she sees the Doctor in front of her, his eyes closed. As reality shifts back to normal, he snaps back into focus, eyes open and hands moving.

“ - lovely place, Nectar, with its -,” he stops suddenly. He’s staring at Jenny.

“Hello again,” Jenny says.

The Doctor’s eyes darken. “Who are you?” he asks.

Jenny blinks, and then nods. “I’m Jenny,” she says. “And you’re a time traveler.”

The Doctor stares at her, gaze dark. Rose is sure he can feel her two hearts beating alongside to his.

“We’ve got a lot to fill you in on,” Rose says. She looks at Jenny and smiles.


When she goes to bed that night, it’s cold, and lonely. The Doctor had dropped Jenny off on a nearby planet where she could buy a ship of her own. Rose had gotten the feeling that he’d wanted her off the TARDIS as soon as possible.

They’d had time for a quick goodbye. They’d promised to meet again. Rose knows they never will.


“So what was it like?” Rose asks the Doctor the next day, finding him in the console room. “Being in that other dimension?”

“Don’t know,” the Doctor grins at her. “Couldn’t feel a thing. Didn’t even realise I’d gone anywhere.” He pulls a lever. “By the way,” he adds casually. “Why has the whole TARDIS turned herself pink?”

Rose grins back, watching him dash around the controls. “Well,” she says, “where’s the bloody landing button?”

pg-15, rose/jenny, doctor who, fic

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