Feb 05, 2005 20:58

OK I have sooooOOOO much TO say ......... starting say a couple days ago.
THERES this really CREEPY kid named SAM at my school he like stalks one of my friends and her boyfriend IT MAKES ME LAUGH SOOOOOO HARD
HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! :) hehehe.\
Today WAS really fun well idk BUT YEAH..... ToDAy me and Lindsey CLEANED ALOT ALOT ALOT... like power cleaned my room. i got this new bed I Luv it>>>> IM SO HAPPY
after CLEANING for a billion years we all went to THE ywca we ran and then we did push ups and ist up and then we went SWIMMING it was really funny... but creepy there was these @ guys that kinda kept following us around.....
When we got out we went to shower i think its kinda funny how ppl just walk around the changing rooms naked and well yeah. we went into the sauna it was really fun..... and a while after Lindsey and i walked to Chipoltle and then when we were walking there we got into this DUMB aSS FIGhT it was so stupid it was funny!!!!!! WE didnt talk for like an hour and a half IT WAS really weird..... an now IM JUST REALLY BORED
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