Oct 02, 2018 20:44
Okay. The truth is, I'm really fucking struggling right now. I'm feeling depressed, and I don't know if it's pregnancy related, Kavanaugh related, work related, family related. I'm just sad about a lot of things right now, and I'm struggling to keep it together on a daily basis. I feel really lonely, even though I know have Mitch by my side. I feel like I'm very tired, and that there's one drama after the next everywhere I look. My workload is really picking up, and problem-solving (like literally problems all the time) is getting old. I'm not responding to people as tactfully as I would like, only because I just want to get things out of my way. I started a 9/80 schedule but perhaps it's getting to be overwhelming. I don't even do much on my day off. My social life is active, but why do I feel so disconnected?