Oct 31, 2006 16:46
Okay I realize I've been extraordinarily distant from everyone, but its really hard to while getting ones bearings in a new place. With that being said I will let the yelling and the death threats commence.
Anyway, I just thought I would let you know I'm not avoiding you and I will be more social.
In other news FSU is very nice though sucking at football, matt predicted it. So that sucks, but classes are easy like the wheel throwing pottery class I am taking and loving, and next semester Im getting into my major, being french and italian. So I'm taking Two french classes, Italian, German, and continuing my Viol class. So all is well and DAMIEN RICE HAS NEW CD, hell yeah.
I'm going to try to make it to gainesville, maybe the weekend after thanksgiving, and Ill probably be home for labor day.
Much love and I will talk to you guys again.