The Sounds of Matzo

Mar 13, 2023 18:55

The Sounds of Matzo

Hello Matzoh, my old friend
You constipate me once again
Because a bread that is not rising
Sits like lead inside of me every Spring
If I had skipped the gefilte fish and that jelly thing,
The leftovers would not have to be flushed down the drain.
So none remain.
This is what happens when I eat Matzo.

In gassy cars we're headed home.
The pain inside me makes me moan
Oh my God, I had another cramp
My wife says "dear you smell like a tramp."
And my new pants now feel way too tight
i'll fart tonight
because of too much matzoh.

And in the bathrooms where we sit
Ten Thousand Jews can't take a shit
We talk about our bowel movements.
we took mylanta but no improvements.
I’ll have to sleep in another bed,
Because tonight the better smells come our dog, Fred.
And my wife 's nose can be spared.
and not impared
By the results of Matzo.

Kids, at home let me be the first to go
But that crap inside me moves way too slow,
I had way too many matzoh balls in my soup.
And may be weeks before i take a normal poop.
and from my ass will come those awful smell
I smell like hell
every spring from matzoh

Do you recall how hard we prayed?
As the bread baked without yeast inside of us just laid.
So please take this as a sign of warning.
Knowing how it makes you in the next morning .
And especially those Matzos dipped in chocolate taste so swell
But you'll fell like hell,
But next Passover we will serve the chocolate Matzos.




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