The No-Win Scenario

Nov 06, 2022 23:04

James Comey, William Mueller and Merrick Garland are three lifelong patriots who dedicated their lives to public service, were/are facing the “no-win” scenario.

Comey chose to reveal to the nation less than a week before the presidential election that the Hillary Clinton Investigation was
being reopened.

Did Comey really have any choice but to reveal this?

The democrats now blame Comey for Trump’s surprising victory over Clinton .

Republicans blame him for revealing his findings of innocence right before the election.

Comey clearly broke at least 2 significant FBI practices.

1) the FBI does not usually reveal anything about ongoing investigations;

2) The FBI does not exert its influence over any election.

Giuliani had this information and was about to reveal it to nation. Comey believed that m it would cause less damage if came from him.

The seed was planted and Comey’s later announcement that the investigation revealed nothing more than “sloppy bookkeeping “ was “too little too late “ and buried deep in the paper.

Coney is a man who only wanted to serve his country honestly and in a non political role now is vilified from by the left for the election of Donald Trump and by the right for choosing loyalty to the nation over loyalty to the president.

William Mueller also spent his life dedicated to public service. When he was chosen as special prosecutor he performed in the role in a different manner than Kenneth Starr chose to do his job as special prosecutor against bill Clinton approximately 20 years earlier.

Starr was charged with investigating the whitewater scandal , which turned out to be just a bad business deal and not a scandal.

Starr actions appear to show that he went into that investigation with the presumption that Clinton’s guilty. That presumption is what guided the investigation. He would keep looking until he found something.

“Presumption of guilt” is the antithesis of how the judiciary in the USA has always been.

In the United States all defendants have a “presumption of innocence .”

When Starr realized that he could not get Clinton on whitewater he looked for something else. The special prosecutor statutes allow him to do this.

No honest person would ever refer to Bill Clinton as a Boy Scout. He was also extremely arrogant and careless about guarding the secrets of his personal life.

He knew that the goal of Limbaugh , Gingrich and the far right was to get rid of him. However, that goal would eventually fail.

As arrogant as Clinton was the right may have been even more arrogant than the president. They failed to take into account that Clinton despite his many faults , was also a very good , charismatic and popular president.

Starr changed courses and started to investigate something that wasn’t part of the original investigation.

Clinton had testified under oath in a civil action which was brought by Paula Jones. The President committed perjury. The perjury was determined by the judge in the matter to be inconsequential.

Clinton tried to delay the case until he was out of the White House . The Supreme Court held 8-1 that “the constitution does not protect the president from Federal Civil Litigation involving actions that occurred before he took office. “

Although the case was dismissed in a summary judgment motion by Clinton, the parties settled for $850,000.00.

This was the same amount that Jones had originally sued for.

I believe that the reason for a settlement on this case was Clinton’s desires to get this out of the newspaper.

Clinton continued his liaisons.
At that time there was rumor in a Washington about the president having a sexual liaison with a White house intern named Monica Lewinsky.

When Lewinsky realized that she would never replace Hillary Clinton she revealed the affair to a friend with a different agenda than Lewinsky.

Lewinsky revealed the affair to a former Pentagon employee named her Linda Tripp.

Tripp wants to get retaliation on Clinton, because she blamed Clinton for the lies of her job.

Upon the advise of literally agent, Lucianne Goldberg , Tripp from her Maryland home taped. the conversations with Lewinsky.

Lewinsky mentions that she had never cleaned a blue dress that the president had ejaculated upon. Upon hearing Goldberg turns over the tapes to Starr.

Clinton is far from innocent ithis affair. But That is moral not a criminal conclusion.

Starr after revealing the testimony that Clinton swore to under oath , would change the direction of the investigation and accuse Clinton of committing perjury when he about his fidelity to his wife.

The Republican Congress decided that would satisfy the guidelines set forth in the constitution and impeach the president because his lie in a civil matter that was dismissed by the court was tantamount to a high crime and misdemeanor even though the judge called in immaterial
I am going to digress for a second. I’m sure that you noticed that I felt it pertinent to state that
“Maryland home taped. the conversations with Lewinsky.” That is because tapping on a telephone without permission of party being taped in Maryland is a crime. Although Linda Tripp is was indicted for this , the case against her was eventually dropped.

Mueller handled things quite differently than Starr. Starr was aiming at discrediting Clinton, whereas Mueller was aiming for the truth.

You heard nothing from Mueller during the investigation. This led the Republicans to declare that the reason for his silence he was trying to find things that be irrelevant to this investigation just to slander trump.

Nothing was further from the truth. Meanwhile the democrats were becoming impatient with the investigation and wondering why they had no results yet.

The new attorney general, Bob Barr was confused about who he represented. Over and over Barr would state that the investigation was nothing more than a witch hunt.

Mueller thought that the comprehensive report that he had given to the state department spoke for itself.

Barr would then show his true colors and lack of loyalty to Mueller by lying about the conclusions reached in the report.

Mueller reluctantly agreed to testify before Congress. Three things about his testimony were quite clear.

1) it purposefully did not come to any conclusions regarding the president’s culpability. Mueller d believes that it would have a violation of the constitution for him to reach a conclusion about the president.

2) Barr who admitted under oath that although he had failed to read the report concluded that there was no Russian interference in the 2016 election.

He said despite the l fact that the report determined that there was interference and the special prosecutor recommended further investigation.

Orr 3) it was obvious that Mueller l was suffering from Parkinson’s disease.

1)He had difficulty walking.
2)His medications were in front of him.
3) His hands revealed a Parkinsonian tremor.
4) It was clear that it was easier for him to testify in the afternoon after having taken significant medication 5) he had a masked face.

He is a very private man and we should respect his privacy. He didn’t tell anybody about his disease. Nor should he have if he felt it was unnecessary. But that hardly stopped the inconsiderate and ignorant republican representatives to declare him incompetent based upon his testimony.

By the his testimony was clear and coherent.
Now we get to the crux of this piece.

Why is Merrick Gardner in a similar position to Comey and Mueller?

Because those on both sides are impatient. This is case that unless he wins will likely result in Donald Trump serving a second term. Not only must he win , but it is necessary that he destroy Trump in a way that even some of the MAGAs change their tune.

That may be impossible but he must succeed or that will be the end of the experiment called democracy.

That is why he will he not reveal where the investigation is heading. We can only surmise that he is close to seeking indictments.

paulajones, james comey', bill clinton, monica lewinsky, lucianne goldberg, rush limbaugh, rudy giuliani, hillary clinton, merrick garland, anne couture, donald trump, william barr

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